Saturday, March 31, 2012

An Outdoor Wedding

Planning for Weather

We have planned an outdoor wedding, weather permitting.  For those of your unfamiliar with Nebraska's climate, for May 26th, the average high is 77, and the average low 54 (these are in Fahrenheit!) 

Nebraska is also known for it's extreme weather, so in the event of rain (or worse) we'll hold our ceremony indoors on the dance floor so we won't need to change locations. 

Hats are Encouraged

Nicole's cousin Chelsea, who had her own wedding right before Britain's royal couple, William & Kate, remarked on Facebook that she wished she would have had hats at her wedding.  Nicole replied that she should feel free to wear one at ours - and the news spread like wildfire amongst her family. 

So that no one is left out, let this serve as a invitation to wear hats (if you so choose).  They are not required; we will welcome our hat-less guests with equal enthusiasm!  However, if you've always wanted an excuse to get a Phillp Treacy, this is your chance!